
saxophone choir (1 sopranino, 3 sop, 3 alto, 3 ten, 2 bari, 1 bass)

duration 6'00”

Awakening for saxophone choir is a very personal reflection on my role as a father. The full weight of this role bore down on me soon after my first son’s birth as I suddenly understood that I was an unthinkably huge part of my son’s world. This revelation was somehow both invigorating and incredibly daunting: he is forever watching, listening, and learning. The repeated tones represent the father striving to project stability for his child while maintaining balance in his own life. The surrounding tones portray the child slowly assembling a world image that he will carry throughout his life (and pass onto his own child), and the child's being gradually enveloping the father's consciousness with love and awe. This music celebrates, in a deliberate manner without fanfare, the father's and the child's awakening to one another. Awakening was commissioned by Debra Richtmeyer and the University of Illinois Saxophone Choir in 2009 and premiered by the Sydney Conservatorium of Music Saxophone Choir directed by Michael Duke in 2011.

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Recording included on this album


”World Without Words” University of Illinois Saxophone Choir, Debra Richtmeyer, director, Mark Records (2011)

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Purchase Score

$40.00 USD - one score formatted for 8.5x11” landscape (PDF) and one complete set of parts formatted for 8.5"x11” portrait (PDF)

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