
3 octave handbell choir and wind ensemble

duration 6'30”

Summoning takes the bell’s traditional role as an instrument used to signal a gathering or a call to action as its point of departure. Throughout the piece, the sounding of a single bell initiates music from collections of other instruments ranging from small groups of percussion instruments to the full ensemble. When composing the piece, I imagined one individual gradually summoning an increasingly large mass to embark on an extraordinary adventure. Summoning was composed for Dr. Leigh-Ann Lethco and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Handbell Choir and Wind Ensemble in 2015. 


University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Handbell Choir and Wind Ensemble, Leigh-Ann Lethco, Conductor. Live Recording.

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$150.00 USD - one score (PDF), one complete set of parts (PDF)

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