
oboe and piano OR alto saxophone and piano

duration 12'00”

The five movements of Dialogues depict various interactions between imaginary characters. The first movement, Muse, portrays inspiration and encouragement, and the second, Banter, depicts a playful and flirtatious exchange. In contrast, the third movement, Bane, portrays annoyance and bickering leading to a heated argument. The fourth, Soliloquy, is a melancholy and introspective conversation with oneself. The piece concludes with Chatter, a lively movement depicting several simultaneous conversations in which the characters are sometimes talking “at” each other rather than “to” each other. The piece is unified by recurring melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic material that appears at the beginning of the first movement. This material is treated as the topic of the dialogue and is revisited in various ways throughout the four movements that follow. 

Dialogues for oboe and piano was premiered by Marlen Vavrikova in 2003. The version for alto saxophone and piano was premiered by Sara Kind in 2013.


  • Dialogues for oboe and piano was awarded FIRST PRIZE in the 2001 Tamp Bay Composers Forum Composition Contest.

Score Preview



$12.00 USD - one score with solo and piano parts (PDF) and one solo part (PDF)

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Recording included on these albums


”Personalities: 21st Century American Music for Oboe” Laura Mediski, oboe, Centaur Records (2012)

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